AB Commander XP Edition является двухпанельной альтернативой
стандартному Проводнику. Помимо стандартынх операций копирования,
переноса, просмотра файлов, создания директорий, подключения сетевых
ресурсов и т.д., имеет встроенный текстовый редактор, просмотрщик
изображений, синхронизатор папок. Интерфейс программы можно гибко
настраивать под свои нужды.
features: - The main window of AB Commander hosts two panels,
independently displaying the contents of folders of your computer, just
like the built-in Windows Explorer does. Each panel may be used to
browse all folders, both virtual and real ones, located on local or
remote drives.
- Powerful means of navigation between folders: the Favorites lists,
the History lists, the pop-up Folder Tree window that lets you browse
the whole hierarchy of folders; the drive bar and drive list, etc.
- Commands to directly manipulate files and folders (copy, move,
rename, delete). - Built-in file splitter lets you split large files
into smaller segments and then merge them back with ease.
- Built-in image viewer with the slideshow capabilities.
- Full-featured text editor that you can use as a replacement for Windows Notepad.
- Various ways of customizing the look and feel of the listings shown
in the panels according to your preferences: single- or double-click
activation, full row selection, underlining the hot or cold items, etc.
- Command prompt lets you quickly run programs that accept command- line arguments.
- Compatibility with Windows Vista has been implemented.
- A new option to add the keyboard shortcuts to the History and Favorites menus has been added.
- Some visual options (animated icon, popup indicators) have been
eliminated. (Windows XP and Vista provide enough visual options to
allow us retire ours).
- The Allow quick rename option, if cleared, no longer blocks the rename commands initiated via the F2 key or context menu.
- Several other minor improvements and corrections have been made.